About us
SALAR International, as part of the Swedish Association of Local Authorities and Regions (SALAR), works globally to strengthen democracy and good governance at the local level.
SALAR is one of the oldest and strongest local government associations in the world. Building on the long tradition of Swedish local self-governance we are a strategic partner to help define the needs, advocate for and provide capacity development support to local governments around the world.
It is part of our uniqueness: we represent, work for and together with local governments.
Partnerships for reaching the Global Goals
Agenda 2030 represents an opportunity to renew the social contract, to rethink relationships. Over 65 percent of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) targets will rely on implementation by cities and regions. With increasing localisation of the global agenda, the effectiveness and SDG impact of strategies across levels of government can be promoted.
SALAR International’s approach is rights-based. We provide services tailored to the needs of the partners with methods adapted to their needs and interests. We promote dialogue between all actors in society and support capacity development by sharing experience and expertise.
Our active involvement in European and worldwide networks of local government organisations, ties together expertise at both technical and political level.
We work with ministries, agencies and organisations representing municipalities and regions as well as Civil Society Organisations and academia. The projects are usually funded by Swedish and international donor agencies.
Whistleblower function, SALAR
The Swedish Association of Local Authorities and Regions, SALAR, uses a whistle-blower function to quickly detect misconduct that could otherwise cause serious damage to SALAR's operations or employees.